What does Mothers Day mean?

What does Mothers Day mean?

What does Mother’s Day mean?

For some it is a day of regret, quiet longing for a child that was lost or was never given. For some it is a day of remembrance, for the voice that is no longer at the other end of the phone and for the warmth of a hug that is only a memory. For others, it is a day of laughter and proud smiles as small hands with sticky fingers clutch dandelion bouquets and deliver breakfast-in-bed. Some will wait for a call from far away, and others will be surrounded by the colorful blossoms from their Family Tree. Mother’s Day can mean so many different things to so many.


This year, as I reflect on what Mother’s Day means to me, I think one word sums it up…Gratitude. First, I am grateful for the two Blessings that gave me the title of Mom. They are young men now, 19 and 21, but they will forever be my boys. I am unequivocally the person that I am today because I am a parent. Career choices, where we live, the rural lifestyle, connections to extended family, friendships, my knowledge of sports and cool cars, the refresher course in Algebra in order to help with homework, those glittery strands of wisdom in my hair, and the laughter that will forever be etched at the corner of my eyes. Being a Mom is the most important job title that I could ever hold and includes a benefit package that could never be matched by the most successful Fortune 500 company. Gratitude also describes the emotion that I feel for my own Mother. I am so grateful for the lessons that she has taught, not with words, but with how she lives her life and with how she treats those around her. Kindness and grace sprinkled with independence and stubbornness. She taught me the value of a smile and the importance of your reputation…she has worked alongside my Dad and ridden “shotgun” for more miles than either can count, raised 5 kids, taught us to pray, the proper use of a seldom used explicative (sometimes she needed to get our attention), how to laugh and how to persevere when the going got tough, and that no matter what you are doing…lipstick is important.

If I were to market a bottle of the strongest glue, I would name it Mom, because she truly is what holds us all together.

I am also grateful for the strong ladies who may not have been my Mom, but who impacted my life and left an impression. My feisty, irreverent, one-of-a kind, and endlessly classy Mother-in-law, Ann. The human language fails when it comes to describing all that she is. She has the beautiful ability to make each person she meets feel like they are special and when she is in a room, every face turns towards her like sunflowers following the sun. Grandmothers and Aunts, who loved unconditionally, who forged ahead to blaze trails, who walked beside to guide, and walked behind to push forward. Neighbor ladies who showed what it meant to be a Community, to support each other through friendship, laughter, love, and loss…and the power of a hug and a hot casserole.

Happy Mother’s Day beautiful ladies!

May your day be filled with those you love!--Pam