Fathers Day

Fathers Day

As Father’s Day approaches, I find myself reflecting on my own Dad.  I am fortunate…I can still pick up the phone and call him…I can still stop by and say Hi in the evening…or wave as we pass each other on the road as he heads out to the field to put a few more hours on the tractor before dark.  And I am grateful. 

Dad is the first man that I fell in love with, the person that I could always count on.  There is so much that my Dad has taught us…whether intentionally, or simply by example.  Dad taught us to listen to others…you learn much more from others if you don’t spend your time telling them how much you know.  That not everyone needs to hear your opinion, so think before you speak and choose your words carefully.  He taught me to be independent…by making sure I could shoot and hunt, to run trucks, tractors, and heavy equipment…he showed me that I need never question whether I could keep up with the boys, instilling a personal confidence that does not have to be proven.  He showed us the importance of standing up for what you believe and to think for yourself…even if that means you stand alone.  To be ethical and keep your word and to respect others even when you disagree…and the value of an apology.  To never stop learning, to question, to stretch your mind, to try new things and to be innovative. To work hard…to get the job done and to make sure it is done right…that you are never above any task…if it needs to be done, do it. 

With the help of a monster station wagon, Dad instilled a love of road trips and adventure, and family memories that evoke countless stories.  He showed the meaning of perseverance, dedication, commitment, and Faith…to Family and to his way of life.  He taught us all to respect and value the land, to look out for your neighbor, to be involved in the community, and to show up.  And for 60 years, Dad has loved Mom.

Thank you Dad and Happy Father’s Day!


With love,

Your favorite daughter

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